Tag Archives: where in the hell did my e go?

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road*

*and other misconceptions of my youth

Played the album today and was INSTANTLY transported back to my parents’ living room in Konawa, OK, seated cross-legged on the floor with Lani in front of my mom’s ginormous console stereo that was mostly cabinet and very little oomph.  Geebus, that thing probably only had 3 x 5 speakers and NO DETECTABLE BASS. That didn’t keep me from trying to urge some thump from it when the folks were gone, however. And although decidedly small, those speakers were hardcore because they never blew.
Listening today, I recalled every single lyric to each song and felt much the same way I did back in nineteen-seventy-cough. To clarify, I was listening to the CD version of the album; the vinyl version with all its fantastic artwork is long gone. I would purchase it again just for the art.
There are probably only a handful of people my age who are NOT familiar with the album. You either love it or you don’t and you suck if you don’t. For me, in addition to the title song and the other that got a lot of airplay,  two songs stand out: “This Song Has No Title” and “I’ve Seen That Movie Too”, but the entire album is great.

Every. Song. Is. Good.

Enough said. (Except that I have edited this post at least 10 times. Someone keeps coming by stealing my “e”s )
